Sunday, November 10, 2013

HP Matrix Operating Environment, Insight Control Environment and HPSIM Part 3

Tasks are operations performed against single or groups of managed systems or events. All tasks are based on collections and, therefore, are self-updating.

You can schedule tasks to run immediately, periodically or at some specified time in the future.

There are three types of tasks:

1- Polling tasks — Monitor systems, track status of systems, track the events occurring on systems or precisely identifies discovered systems.

2- Control tasks — Set or remove disk thresholds, delete events periodically to clear the database, set a system access community string, launch applications, update software or firmware and group configuration.

3- Notification tasks — Alert of system problems or events. Notification can be by email, pager or launching an application that alerts users in some special way, such as an audible alarm.

HP Systems Insight Manager (HP Systems Insight Manager) provides the following default polling tasks:

1- Data collection — Initial and bi-weekly data collection.

2- Status polling — Hardware and software status polling Data collection collects data from systems and stores it in the database.

Status Polling:

a) Hardware Status refers to the health of a system. Hardware Status polling returns condition information from a system to HP Systems Insight Manager and is stored in the repository.

The health status is consolidated from many status polls through the System Management Homepage, Insight Management Agent, Desktop Management Interface (DMI) agent, WBEM agent, cluster status and ping.

b) software polling task called “Software Version Status Polling” that runs weekly. Software status polling retrieves information about software and firmware installed on managed systems and whether the software and firmware needs to be updated.

Control tasks are created to perform monitoring operations. HP Systems Insight Manager provides the following control tasks:

1- Replicate agent settings — View and edit a source system configuration. This task replicates configuration information from one server to multiple servers.

2- Set device access community string — Change the access community strings HP Systems Insight Manager uses to communicate.

3- Delete events — Delete events based on a set of criteria.

4- Update software and firmware — Remotely install software updates.

5- Remove all disk thresholds — Remove all disk thresholds for systems in an associated collection.

6- Set disk thresholds — Set disk thresholds for systems in an associated collection.

7- Application launch — Launch an application on the HP Systems Insight Manager management server for every system in the collection results.

Automatic event handling tasks can perform the following actions:

1- Paging notification (Windows only) — Send a page on a pager. The paging recipient receives one page per event per collection.

This is only for a Windows Central Management Server from the User and Authentication screen at Options → Security.

2- Email notification — Send notifications through email. The recipient receives one email per system per collection.

3- Run custom command — Launch a custom command tool on the Central Management Server.

4- Assign the event — Automatically assign events matching a certain criteria to a user.  Log the event — Log the event information in the operating system log.

5- Clear the event — Automatically clear the event.

6- Forward the event — Automatically forward the event to another system as an SNMP trap.

The Task wizard allows a user to create a task that can be run against one or more targets. You can launch a task by selecting one of the following:

1- Objects first, then the action to be performed

2- Action first, then the objects on which to perform the action

HP Systems Insight Manager allows you to launch tools to run as a single execution or multiple tasks. This includes:

a) Prompting for system or event selection

b) Verifying selected systems or events

c) Allowing changes to the system or event selection before running the task

d) Requesting tool parameters

e) Scheduling the task to run at a later time (periodic or specific)

f) Scheduling the task based on a set of systems or events based on certain criteria  Running a tool without a schedule

g) Filtering

An Event is information sent to the administrator advising that something in the managed environment has changed. Events are generated from SNMP traps or WBEM indications. HP Systems Insight Manager receives a trap when an important event occurs. There are several cases where the source of the event and system associated with the event is the Central Management Server itself. Events generated on Central Management Server include all login, logout and failed login events. All users can view these events in the event list, but only users who have the necessary authorization can see the details of these events.

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