Welcome to this new Series for HP System Insight Manager, in this series i will be discussing some notes related to Installation configuration and managing, and the relation with ICE and MOE (Insight Control Enviroment and Matrix Operating Enviroment)
First, Installing HPSIM 7.2 on windows 2008R2 SP2 (Acting as a Management Server)
a) 1-Install W2KR2 SP2
b) Install latest updates for the OS.
c) Install from roles and features [ IIS with ASP.Net, and FTP and WWW, DHCP,DNS, simple TCP/IP , .Net Framework 3.5sp1 ] services (When installing IIS Ensure that IIS Metabase Compatibility is installed)
d) Install .net frame work 1.1 (IT IS A MUST to install Net Framework 1.1 And .Net Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1)
e) install .Net frame work 4.0
f) install adobe flash player latest
g) Confirm that Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration is not selected.
h) Go to Computer MGMT, at the Web Service Extensions check that the ASP.Net is enabled, and WebDAV is disabled
i) Disable User Account Control
j) Create a DHCP scope, and configure the Bindings, and the DNS Dynamic update credentials, also at the DNS tab, choose Dynamically update DNS A and PTR records for DHCP clients that do not request.
I) Set the following registry key on the DHCP server:
A. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters
Value name: RogueAuthorizationRecheckInterval
Data type: REG_DWORD
Value data: Minutes between Authorization Intervals (Default = 60)
Set the following registry key on the DHCP server:
B. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters
Value name: DisableRogueDetection
Data type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 1
2) Using Netsh from CMD, enable option 60:
netsh dhcp>server \\<DHCP_server_machine_name>
netsh dhcp>add optiondef 60 PXEClient String 0 comment=option added for PXE support
netsh dhcp>set optionvalue 60 STRING PXEClient
netsh dhcp>exit
This is done in case you have a main DHCP server and this DHCP will be used to deploy servers in a separated VLAN
k) In DNS create a forward lookup zone and a reverse lookup zone, with “Allow both secure and non-secure dynamic update” options selected.
l) Install WAIK
m) Enable Windows ISCSI initiator
n) Configure the “DATA Execution Prevention” to “turn on for essential windows programs and services”
o) In the SNMP Service by right clicking and choosing Properties, in the security tab, choose the public, configure it for “READ Only”, and the Private for “Read And Write”
p) Create 2 local accounts, one as admin and the other as
q) Install the System Insight Manager and the Insight Control
For more information about the Installation process, please read the Installation guide for HP SIM v7.2, on the following link:
After installation of HP Insight Control has completed, there are several things that can be reviewed to confirm successful installation:
1- Installation status with mxconfig –l
2- Logs in c:\HPIC
3- HP Systems Insight Manager (mxdtf, mxdomainmgr) services running
4- Hostname resolution with mxgethostname
5- Database connectivity with mxgetdbinfo
The mxdomainmgr service is responsible for running the HP System Insight manager service while mxdtf service is responsible for the audit logging; in addition mxgetdbinfo is responsible for database connectivity.
For the first time to logging on the HPSIM interface locally, write the following in your IE browser http://localhost:280 or https://localhost:50000.
After Immediate installation of HPSIM, some basic configuration has to be performed:
a) Install licenses: Deploy a License Manager.
b) Verify software version: Help > About.
c) Set environment: Options > Managed Environment.
d) Set WMI Proxy: Options > Protocol Settings >WMI Mapper Proxy.
e) Set name resolution: Options > Security > System Link (Sets the format for use of system name, IP address or FQDN for system links)
f) Discovery
• Options >Discovery
• Configure general settings
• Configure global protocol settings
• Set credentials: Options >Security >Global Credentials
• Manage hosts files
g) Review discovered systems.
h) Configure HP Systems Insight Manager users (create and assign user rights).
i) Set up and customize status polling.
j) Configure problem notification.
Now Setting up managed systems involves:
a) Installing the ProLiant Support Pack on Windows systems for the first time
b) Configuring the managed system software
c) Configuring protocol settings
d) Configuring and executing discovery on HPSIM
e) Configure the Systems to use the trust certificate from the HP Systems Insight Manager.
f) Configure the Setting to use the desired HP Version Control Repository Manager.
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