Sunday, May 25, 2014

Watch your Grammer


From what Katy Steinmetz has written.

It was really great finding an article like that, it really expressing, and helpful.

There is now a book full of ways that you can tell such people to put it where the sun don’t shine. Or at least let them know it ain’t nothing. Bad English, on sale June 3, is a 255-page takedown of linguistic snobbery—detailing the ways people are being hypocritical and arbitrary when they insist on a strict adherence to rules they learned in high school.

“You frequently hear people say, before attacking you, that they care about language,” says author Ammon Shea. “We all care about language. To me that seems like euphemistic shorthand for saying ‘I like to correct the language use of others,’ which I have always found unseemly.”

And so he dug through the centuries of history that led to these rules—like when one must use disinterested vs. uninterested—finding that, often as not, those rules used to be completely different than what they are today. Along the way he debunks linguistic factoids, like the assertion that Shakespeare invented 10% of the words he used, and defends unlikely, oft-maligned characters like Sarah Palin, Dan Quayle and people who say like a lot.

“Telling people that they are wrong in a malicious fashion is useless,” says Shea, who has also written a book about his quest to read the entire Oxford English Dictionary. “What would be helpful to acknowledge is not only are some of these rules incredibly capricious, they’re also constantly changing … The thing that is oft overlooked is that as language changes, the rules that govern it change as well.”

Here are some examples of the many of the comebacks you can use next time some jerk corrects your grammar or word usage:

“Stop saying like so much. It’s meaningless.”

Shea explains that while like might be a staple of the Valley girl caricature, the word is actually performing useful linguistic duties:

  • In the sentence “She was like, ‘Get out of my face,” the word signals the beginning of a quote and is known as a quotatative compartmentalizer.
  • In the sentence “It’s going to take me like forever to get there,” it functions as an approximative adverb, signaling how strongly to interpret the following word; almost and barely play similar roles.
  • In the sentences “I stole a panda. Like, I couldn’t live without him,” like is a discourse marker, a word used at the beginning of a sentence indicating that a clarification of what has just been said will now be given; one might similarly use I mean to introduce more information.

Like, BOOM.

“Don’t say something is ‘more unique.’ That’s like saying it’s ‘most best.’’”

The notion behind this common correction is that unique means something is truly one-of-a-kind, which a thing either is or is not, without degree—just like someone is the best or they are not the best. This word, Shea explains, does come from the Latin unicus, meaning one-of-a-kind, but when people started to widely use it in the 1800s, the meaning quickly broadened. In 1816, celebrated poet Sir Walter Scott wrote that celebrated satirist Jonathan Swift was “more unique” than any of his contemporaries. Today, dictionaries have largely relented. In a third definition, Merriam-Webster defines unique as simply “unusual.”

“You shouldn’t start sentences with and or but.”

This grievous error is committed no fewer than eight times in a little document called the Constitution. For those of a more religious bent, it may be worth pointing out that this sin is all over the Bible. The use of and to begin a sentence, Shea found, dates back to the year

Disinterested means impartial. Uninterested means you don’t give a hoot.”

Fun fact: these words originally meant the exact opposite things that semantic samurai insist that they do now. Tracing the uses back to the 1600s, Shea explains that interchanging them didn’t seem to bother anyone for decades, until the “two met at some sort of unholy semantic swap meet and secretly agreed to change meanings.” Only in relatively modern times have grammarians found the mix-up to be cause for slapping the ruler on the desk.

“Potato is spelled sans ‘e.’”

“Dan Quayle,” Shea writes, “died for your sins”: Everyone now knows, because he was so pilloried for misspelling potato in public, how to spell that word. But potatoe, the albatross around the former vice president’s neck, was actually in use, in print, throughout the 20th century, appearing in such sources as the New York Times, the Washington Post and the San Francisco Chronicle. Shea blames the joke-butting of Quayle on partisan politics and the tendency of those on the left to deride the intellectual abilities of those on the right.

“Only uneducated people split infinitives.”

An infinitive verb is the form with to in the front like, “to be” or “not to be.” Some traditionalists become apoplectic when an adverb is slipped between those two words, like “to boldly go.” But Shea discovered that infinitives have been split since the thirteenth century and that the reason we have this proscription today is because some grumpy grammarians from the 1800s decided that verbs would sound more like Latin, in which it is impossible to split infinitives, if they stayed in one piece. But, Shea points out, Chaucer has split, Shakespeare has split, and not to split sometimes just sounds terrible.

After all, while Shea acknowledges that some rules are useful and that standards have a time and place, he recommends that we let our ears be our guide—and if we can still understand somebody who is speaking in an heretic manner, we might take time to think about it rather than judge it.

If you enjoyed, it would be great to give your comment

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Change in Posting Location

Dear All,

It was my Pleasure to be using this Page and Posting all my thoughts, Experience on this page, but Luckily, i got a new opportunity, where i have my Own Internet webpage now.new1



So Kindly follow me on my new Page, and i hope you would find it interesting:

i will continue posting on this page for a while, but it will be discontinued by the beginning of June2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Egypt Daylight Saving Time 2014

This Article has been copied

The government of Egypt has announced that it will observe DST in 2014, and has released its DST Transitions for the Holy Month Ramadan.

The daylight saving time start on midnight of May 15th at exactly 11:59:59 PM, without applying the fix your users will face problems with Active Directory and Exchange Servers besides having their calendars off by one hour.

During this time, clocks will be turned back to standard time. This interruption in the DST schedule is designed to shorten the evening hours, making it easier for Muslims to observe the Ramadan fast during hours of daylight.

To avoid this you need to apply the fix provided by Microsoft using Microsoft SCCM or a Startup group Policy. 

Instead of ending DST on 30th September, DST was suspended during Ramadan and then re-enabled again in September. The transition dates are:


Make Sure Make sure that you have the latest Windows Cumulative Update for your time zone and DST installed before running this fix-it solution. To find the latest update:

Please note that All Microsoft Outlook calendar entries for meetings and appointments between the 15th of May and 27th of June, 2014 will be shifted by 1 hour. This will happen because the previous DST settings were in place during adding these calendar
entries (previous DST settings are currently inapplicable). It is recommended that  you recheck all calendar entries for the above mentioned period.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

NetXtreme II Latest announcement from QLogic for HP


QLogic announcements has selected  HP's latest Virtual Connect FlexFabric Solution as a key enabler of the industry's first 20Gb Ethernet connectivity. QLogic NetXtreme II Ethernet controllers are at the core of HP's latest Virtual Connect FlexFabric adapters and deliver the industry's highest performing Ethernet, Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) and iSCSI connectivity available. This announcement represents the first new product and technology arising from QLogic's recently acquired Broadcom Ethernet assets. QLogic Fibre Channel switching technology is embedded in HP's latest Virtual Connect FlexFabric modules, which also support FCoE and iSCSI traffic. The combination of leading QLogic technologies in the HP FlexFabric architecture creates a high-performance, 20Gb Ethernet fabric ideal for data center convergence and virtualization.

QLogic's NetXtreme II Ethernet controllers enable the HP FlexFabric 20Gb 2-port 630FLB Adapter and the HP FlexFabric 20Gb 2-port 630M Adapter. These adapters provide 10Gb or 20Gb Converged Ethernet connectivity to HP BladeSystem servers. Leveraging HP's Flex-20 technology, these new adapters efficiently deliver twice the bandwidth of a 10Gb port, while reducing the management overhead associated with multiple 10Gb adapters. Both adapters offload FCoE and iSCSI traffic, eliminating software overhead and reducing CPU cycles for improved performance, while simplifying server-to-networked storage connectivity.

QLogic switching technology enables the new HP Virtual Connect FlexFabric-20/40 F8 Module for c-Class BladeSystem. The new module more than doubles the throughput of previous generations with 20Gb downlinks and provides eight flex ports that can be dynamically configured to support Ethernet, Fibre Channel, iSCSI or FCoE. QLogic's flex ports enable HP's Virtual Connect wire-once technology to deliver the simplest method to connect servers and storage to the network, while new 40GbE uplinks in the FlexFabric-20/40 F8 module speed traffic from server-to-core.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Product Bulletin will be discontinued. Give HP your feedback.

The  morning of 2nd may, I noticed:
The Product Bulletin will be replaced soon by a new solution.

Please provide feedback on the current solution by taking a brief survey.


Have you seen what replaces it yet? I have heard that the Product Bulletin goes away May 23rd.

The New solution will be:

HP Document Library

The HP Document Library for QuickSpecs, accessible from your desktop or mobile device, is a convenient central resource providing technical overviews and specifications for HP hardware and software.

QuickSpecs can be accessed off-line on with a Windows based HP QuickSpecs Offline application or through synchronization with standard cloud solutions.

HP QuickSpecs Offline Application

HP Matrix Operating Environment, Insight Control Environment and HPSIM Part1

Welcome to this new Series for HP System Insight Manager, in this series i will be discussing some notes related to Installation configuration and managing, and the relation with ICE and MOE (Insight Control Enviroment and Matrix Operating Enviroment)

First, Installing HPSIM 7.2 on windows 2008R2 SP2 (Acting as a Management Server)

a) 1-Install W2KR2 SP2

b) Install latest updates for the OS.

c) Install from roles and features [ IIS with ASP.Net, and FTP and WWW, DHCP,DNS, simple TCP/IP , .Net Framework 3.5sp1 ] services (When installing IIS Ensure that IIS Metabase Compatibility is installed)

d) Install .net frame work 1.1 (IT IS A MUST to install Net Framework 1.1 And .Net Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1)

e) install .Net frame work 4.0

f) install adobe flash player latest

g) Confirm that Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration is not selected.

h) Go to Computer MGMT, at the Web Service Extensions check that the ASP.Net is enabled, and WebDAV is disabled

i) Disable User Account Control

j) Create a DHCP scope, and configure the Bindings, and the DNS Dynamic update credentials, also at the DNS tab, choose Dynamically update DNS A and PTR records for DHCP clients that do not request.

         I) Set the following registry key on the DHCP server:

A. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters

                    Value name: RogueAuthorizationRecheckInterval
                    Data type: REG_DWORD
                   Value data: Minutes between Authorization Intervals (Default = 60)

Set the following registry key on the DHCP server:

B. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters

                         Value name: DisableRogueDetection
                        Data type: REG_DWORD
                        Value data: 1

        2) Using Netsh from CMD, enable option 60:



         netsh dhcp>server \\<DHCP_server_machine_name>

         netsh dhcp>add optiondef 60 PXEClient String 0 comment=option added for PXE support

         netsh dhcp>set optionvalue 60 STRING PXEClient

          netsh dhcp>exit

             This is done in case you have a main DHCP server and this DHCP will be used to deploy servers in a separated VLAN

k) In DNS create a forward lookup zone and a reverse lookup zone, with “Allow both secure and non-secure dynamic update” options selected.

l) Install WAIK

m) Enable Windows ISCSI initiator

n) Configure the “DATA Execution Prevention” to “turn on for essential windows programs and services”

o) In the SNMP Service by right clicking and choosing Properties, in the security tab, choose the public, configure it for “READ Only”, and the Private for “Read And Write”

p) Create 2 local accounts, one as admin and the other as

q) Install the System Insight Manager and the Insight Control


For more information about the Installation  process, please read the Installation guide for HP SIM v7.2, on the following link:,d.bGE


After installation of HP Insight Control has completed, there are several things that can be reviewed to confirm successful installation:

1- Installation status with mxconfig –l

2- Logs in c:\HPIC

3- HP Systems Insight Manager (mxdtf, mxdomainmgr) services running

4- Hostname resolution with mxgethostname

5- Database connectivity with mxgetdbinfo

The mxdomainmgr service is responsible for running the HP System Insight manager service while mxdtf service is responsible for the audit logging; in addition mxgetdbinfo is responsible for database connectivity.

For the first time to logging on the HPSIM interface locally, write the following in your IE browser http://localhost:280 or https://localhost:50000.


After Immediate installation of HPSIM, some basic configuration has to be performed:

a) Install licenses: Deploy a License Manager.

b) Verify software version: Help > About.

c) Set environment: Options > Managed Environment.

d) Set WMI Proxy: Options > Protocol Settings >WMI Mapper Proxy.

e) Set name resolution: Options > Security > System Link  (Sets the format for use of system name, IP address or FQDN for system links)

f) Discovery

• Options >Discovery

• Configure general settings

• Configure global protocol settings

• Set credentials: Options >Security >Global Credentials

• Manage hosts files

g) Review discovered systems.

h) Configure HP Systems Insight Manager users (create and assign user rights).

i) Set up and customize status polling.

j) Configure problem notification.


Now Setting up managed systems involves:

a) Installing the ProLiant Support Pack on Windows systems for the first time

b) Configuring the managed system software

c) Configuring protocol settings

d) Configuring and executing discovery on HPSIM

e) Configure the Systems to use the trust certificate from the HP Systems Insight Manager.

f) Configure the Setting to use the desired HP Version Control Repository Manager.

HP’s Industry Leading Blade New Virtual Connect Interconnect: “Virtual Connect Flex-Fabric 20/40 F8 Module”

A new addition to The Power of One solution from HP, by the Announcement of the new HP Virtual Connect Flex-Fabric 20/40 F8 Module for HP Blade System, as well as 2 new HP Flex-Fabric dual-port 20Gb 630 series Adapters for HP Blade system.

The new VC Flex-Fabric module would allow customers to simultaneously stream all movies and TV shows on Netflix in High Definition(HD) on a single 40GbE port.

HP VC FF2040

The new VC Flex-Fabric 20/40 F8 Module delivers:

  1. Industry First and ONLY adapters to stream converged 10Gb Ethernet and 8Gb Fiber Channel storage simultaneously over Native 20Gb KR2-based ports, thus maximizing Network Investment.
  2. 4x Increase in uplink bandwidth and 2.3x increase in aggregated bandwidth with the first VC module to deliver 40Gb Ethernet connectivity.
  3. Latency Reduction up to 73% resulting in increase of workload efficiency.

The new Virtual Connect has a simplified and intuitive Graphical User Interface and set-up Wizards, Embedded SNMP v1 and v2, in addition to the Command Line Interface.

Also it supports that any uplink can be used as a dedicated mirrored port from the server port(s).

The VC new module supports as its previous VC Flex-Fabric 24port modules the most common Data Center protocols: Ethernet, Fiber Channel, and Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), and accelerated  iSCSI Connections.

It optimizes the hypervisor I/O requirements with Flex-10 and Flex-20 Adapters, with 2 modules you can provide six Flex-NICs and Two Flex-HBA connection to each server, delivering best practice network Configuration for most Hypervisors.

Virtual Connect Flex-Fabric 20/40 F8 is 100% compatible with current networks and will  avoid having to replace each piece of equipments.

the New Virtual Connect is delivered with the backward compatibility to previous Flex-Fabric LOMs and FLBs, and with 2 new Adapters that supports its capabilities:


 flb adapter








      1. HP Flex-Fabric 20Gb 2-port 630 FLB Adapter 700065-B21
      2. HP Flex-Fabric 20Gb 2-port 630 M Adapter 700076-B21

Each Flex-Fabric 20Gb adapter replaces a 10Gb NIC, and 8Gb FC HBA, simplifying I/O hardware by 50% and reducing cost 60%, thus:

  1. a. Remove server I/O  bottlenecks.
  2. b. one 20GbAdapter provide 35% CPU improvement over 10Gb adapter.
  3. c. Transfer rate of 2ports each at 40Gbps full duplex and port speed of 20Gb.
  4. d. Compatible operating systems:
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2, R2 w/SP1 (x86 and x64)
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 & 2012 R2
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (x86 and x64) 5.9,5.10,6.4, 6.5
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11, SP2 & SP3 x86 & x64
    • Solaris 10 U10
    • Solaris 11 x64
    • VMware ESXi 5.0 U3, 5.1 U2
    • VMware vSphere 5.5
    • Citrix XenServer 6.1

Adapter firmware updates on multiple blade servers with HP Smart Update Manager (SUM) is supported for these Adapters.

In addition to this, it is highly noticeable that these adapters will be enabled under the condition of using the Virtual Connect new Firmware 4.20